Mirror's Edge simulates the sensation of parkour on your computer monitor. It's innovative and strikingly fun at times. But then, conversely, it's sloppy and evokes feelings of despair. The bad story, the awful enemies. Shoe-horning tired FPS mechanics into this game is like taking the time to nurture the most beautiful white dove before slicing its wings off and throwing it out of a window.
It's a blessing then, that the time trials are where the true fun is to be had. No shit enemies, no poor plot, just you bettering yourself again and again. The repetition's there, but it's fun now. You take your time and learn the courses, watching the clock and honing your skills and then you realise what it could have been...
It's a great game, but it's a bad game.
VERDICT: Worth playing for what it could have been.
The solution: gravity leveler mod like in Ultraviolet + playful sci-glamor maps and a big community.
i appreciate the verdict over a precentage/grade/star/whatever-the-fuck-people-come-up-with-that-is-stupid-but-used-because-it-is-familiar system that the 'big kids' of gaming sites use.
Yeah, I decided it was best to get rid of the percentage system. I wasn't particularly happy with the comparison between one/two man indie teams and 40+ people commercial development teams. I mean, it makes no sense anyway, but the gap between what an independent developer and a large commercial one can produce just doesn't fit into a numbered marking scheme... Glad you appreciate it anyway!
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