19 Aug 2008

Self-help, Far Cry 2 style...

Ubisoft Montreal have just released a video of their wysiwyg map editor that appears to feature an incredibly user-friendly interface. Not only that, but the narrator's soft Irish accent is absolutely mesmerising. If he ever releases a self-help tape, I may be inclined to purchase.

Breathe in... and out again. That's right, relax and let the calming sounds of burning trees and gun-fire wash over you...


Nick said...

Pretty neat. Though the trees are a bit too regimented in that demo; I'm sure that can be sorted by spending a bit more time placing them.

Have you got any idea what the multi-player portion of the game entails?

Rowan Davies said...

Yeah, in terms of on the fly map creation though, it is pretty astounding what can be done in a matter of minutes and I expect you can tinker with regimented scenery after laying the groundwork.

I never really got a chance to play around with the crysis ed but it was kind of similar, if slightly more complex. Definitely gonna have a hand at Far Cry 2 level building though, maybe include it in the blog...

Multiplayer sounds pretty standard from what I've seen, especially the dubiously named 'capture the diamond'. No, really.

Don't think there's any co-op though...