That's right, System Shock 3 is on it's way. Is there anything else I need to say? Probably...
Having apparently been in undercover development for over a year, Ken Levine today let slip some insightful thoughts on the rejuvenation of the decade-old franchise. In an interview with Knee High Gamers he is quoted as saying 'We have no clear idea for a release date, but I can tell you that SS3 is forthcoming. We're currently focusing on rounding off the next Bioshock release before we'll be able to confirm a timescale for completion.'
Take a second to process that information...
Ready for more?
When pushed for further information on the second sequel in the space-horror franchise, Levine offered up very few clues, but mentioned that they were likely to focus 'more on the combat aspects of the game' this time around in order to give it a 'more visceral appeal than its predecessors'.
'We realised after Bioshock's release,' says Levine 'that people really loved the overall style of the game, the way it looked and felt to play. Comparing that to System Shock's slower pace and clunky control system we feel we're now on the right path to creating the best and most accessible game in the series. We'll be carrying over a lot of the things we learned to do right in Bioshock and integrating them into the System Shock universe. Believe me when I say, we are aiming high with this next game.'
It's good news then for those who fell in love with Bioshock's run and gun approach to RPGs and could we even take from this stupidly small amount of information that 2K might be getting rid of inventories and character attributes entirely? Only time will tell.
No further information has been released, but I'll post as soon as it is. I'm half expecting the sky to fall tomorrow.
April fools, eh?
Don't even joke, dude. Don't even joke...
Run and gun approach to RPG's?
getting rid of inventories and RPG stats!? I liked SS2 exactly the way it was and it was very scary that way.
Having a fast-pace with guns blazing is definitely not.
System Shock 2 was by far the best game I have ever played -- and I have played a lot! BioShock was great, but it is hard to get into a game that constantly pauses during game play (taking pictures & hacking). I loved the complexity and real-time interface of SS2.
yeah Bioshock was ok, but Ryan/Atlas/Fontaine was no substitute for SHODAN...not even close
see iv been playing bioshock for the last few days on recommendation from a friend and i think its fuckin amazing. the game really does feel great to play, but i dont see why so many people are quick to slag it due to this news that system shock 3 is on its way. bioshock is not a survival horror game, its an action game with very slight horror elements, so why does the anonymous commentor who talks about run and gun RPGs etc above complain that its not scary? and the hacking is an innovative part of the gameplay (wasnt system shock all about hacking? i have never played system shock so i do apologise that this is an outside opinion) and taking pictures is not necesarry bar a few missions. many people have never even given it a chance
Come on, guys, give yourselves names! It's hard to tell who's talking or whether you're all one self-conflicting mass.
Anonymous 4: this post was a foolish joke to cheaply outline Bioshock's failings when compared with it's older brother.
I'll agree with you that it's not a survival horror game, but it was undeniably marketed as such. The survival was undermined by the frequent respawn-tube-thingies and the horror by the frequent sealed room multi-splicer fights. I'm not denying it's an enjoyable game and the story is affecting to some extent (although the ending is unforgivable and again undermines the apparent focus on game affecting choices).
The set-pieces are often fantastic, but again, in comparison to SS2, it's a no-brainer, corridor shooter.
Most people were annoyed because of it's heritage and missed expectations. Whether that's our own faults as gamers or the developers is very much up for discussion.
And the hacking wasn't innovative, it was Pipemania.
The hacking in System Shock 1 (1994) [SPOILER]:
It's pretty much the end-game sequence so it's a bit manic, but all the hacking in that game was cyberspace sequences with various programs (counter-measures) you could run to take down security systems etc.
Did any of you read the label "Made up nonsense" at the end of the post or see that it was posted on April Fools Day?
I do wish it was true they were making a new one though :/
From an old SS fan: Take a look at S.T.A.L.K.E.R. again. Sit by the campfire, swap tales, clean up your AK, drink some vodka.
That's what good games are made of - atmosphere. The sadness of an insane AI, the scorched suburbia of Fallout (J.G.Ballard, eat your heart out!), the desperate battle against Soviet onslaught in Operation Flashpoint - that what Great Tales are made of.
Good engine and nice controls FTW sure but in the end, the story makes the legend. The rest is, well, pastime.
Oh no, ohhhh no... I really hope that System Shock 3 never sees the light of day. I honestly don't want another System Shock to EVER be released. If a third installment was developed, chances are it would be made for console and ported to PC. That thought alone is enough to make me sick. '...focus more on the combat aspects of the game...' i.e. another generic, boiler plate shoot-em-up.
'...things we learned to do right in Bioshock...' Like what? Nothing was done 'right' in Bioshock if you want to call it the spiritual predacesor to System Shock. '...more visceral appeal...' Here is a phrase that is tossed around way too much among developers today. 'Visceral' is nothing more than a buzz word which translates to gore and fast paced action, aspects that were nowhere near being the main emphases of the SS1 and 2.
I liked Bioshock, don't get me wrong but if it's a testament of what to expect from System Shock 3 then video games really are dead.
Leave System Shock alone! Please! Looking Glass isn't around anymore and the people who made the first two games are gone. For god sakes... EA now owns the rights to SS. EA making SS3!? I pray the day never comes.
@ NO to SS3 said... oh man do i agree with you, if EA is in control then screw that, its obviosly going to be an epic fail. most games just focus on incredible visuals and mindless shooting. however, if they could pull it off..., still its a long shot on account of EA's infamous game productions :/ if anything, id want ss3 to continue exactly as it left off, in the escape pod, perhaps crashing onto some other ship, or planet. even though the endung to ss2 seemed like it could have room for a trilogy, it kinda concluded itself and youd need a good imagination to continue it on after those events. One could only hope though :/
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